The inner power can also be made impossible by identifying
The inner power can also be made impossible by identifying: Both individuals and society have their own special meaning for a successful and meaningful life. A person lives by connecting with society, so he sees himself with the eyes of society. At the same time, it also awakens the wisdom of 'I am who I am', I am myself responsible for this. The image of his good and bad character is reflected in the mirror of the society, his own Life also performs it. It is true that we all have a social life as well. We have to live it too. We meet each other, listen to each other. Maybe you are very smart. People listen to your advice. But it is not necessary that you keep on advising on every happening happening around you. We all have our own There is also a different world, for which it is also necessary to take time out. Because spirituality is the way to live life, to treat ourselves as well as others properly, through this we can look into ourselves, analyze the situation better and...